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From his home in Toronto, poet, artist, and experimental artist Greg Evason has for many years been producing an extraordinary amount and variety of work, ranging from the highly esoteric to the surrealistic, to more accessible poems, stories, paintings, and drawings that reveal a person fully engaged in the journey to encounter and understand his, and our, existence. This new book takes the form of brief story-like texts or prose poems of intense thought and emotionality, couched in a surrealism expressed through what seems to be an everyday language. But, in fact, the language is one of great condensation and word play; not really “everyday” at all: “Loot of oven happy sneak of clean ashes. We are bloated cars swinging through a spark of crashed healthy sneezing. Boats are cloudy.” Evason has pulled off a unique and difficult feat, and Plowing Down the Cut will be a source of immense fascination and delight through many readings. The book includes a series of his crisply detailed and inventive drawings.


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